Well...let's see...I'm not sure where to start. So many things have happened since I last posted.
Thanks for your thoughts, I did feel better the day after my last post. Unfortunately, it was short lived! Saturday morning, I woke up with a pretty bad headache and it lasted through that night and into Sunday. I'm rarely sick, so I thought I must have a brain tumor, or something! I took some Ibuprofen, but it didn't do a thing. I was just plain miserable! Collette met Michael on Sunday morning to watch the kids, then for a Mother's Day special, I went to the ER in Leon. They did a CAT scan, but nothing was found that would cause a headache. The one doctor said it was a stomach infection and that was causing a headache??? Who knows! They gave me a shot for pain, and prescriptions for more pain meds. I haven't had any more recurrences, so...maybe I was just having a bad week!!
The other part of the story is that we were planning on leaving with Philip and Collette to come out to Texas that Sunday night. Since the pain shot did it's job, we went ahead and came. Taylor turns one next week and needs shots, also we need to buy a few more things and check our mail, etc...
Since we're following Philip and Collette's time table, we had some extra days to spare. So, we are enjoying the sights of San Antonio for two days. We got here this afternoon and went down to the RiverWalk and took a boat ride. Kyle really enjoyed that! Michael's also hoping to visit The Alamo some time.

Thanks for your thoughts, I did feel better the day after my last post. Unfortunately, it was short lived! Saturday morning, I woke up with a pretty bad headache and it lasted through that night and into Sunday. I'm rarely sick, so I thought I must have a brain tumor, or something! I took some Ibuprofen, but it didn't do a thing. I was just plain miserable! Collette met Michael on Sunday morning to watch the kids, then for a Mother's Day special, I went to the ER in Leon. They did a CAT scan, but nothing was found that would cause a headache. The one doctor said it was a stomach infection and that was causing a headache??? Who knows! They gave me a shot for pain, and prescriptions for more pain meds. I haven't had any more recurrences, so...maybe I was just having a bad week!!
The other part of the story is that we were planning on leaving with Philip and Collette to come out to Texas that Sunday night. Since the pain shot did it's job, we went ahead and came. Taylor turns one next week and needs shots, also we need to buy a few more things and check our mail, etc...
Since we're following Philip and Collette's time table, we had some extra days to spare. So, we are enjoying the sights of San Antonio for two days. We got here this afternoon and went down to the RiverWalk and took a boat ride. Kyle really enjoyed that! Michael's also hoping to visit The Alamo some time.
glad to hear you're ok! My neighbor just moved down to San Antonio, she works at the library for the University of Texas, San Antonio. She's also very fluent in Spanish since that's what she studied and she also lived in Mexico for a time. Perhaps I could ask her to converse or help tutor if that is something that you'd be interested in. It might be helpful practicing Spanish with someone else who's native language is English. Maybe she can point out some pit falls or suggestions. And since she's lived in Mexico, she's also relatively culture-wise (not that you guys don't now what you're doing :-)), she just might be a good resource for you guys to tap.
It is so beautiful there - we just love San Antonio!
Glad you're feeling better.
So glad you are feeling better! The boat ride sounded fun.
Hey, we found your page!! We're back home in PA. later.
I am enjoying your blog. I am new to this so I hope this comment comes through.
Hope you all had a good uneventful trip back home! Your box came at 1PM Thursday! =) Sorry for all the mix-up! I do really try to keep my life a little more organized!
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