Hello, my blog friends...can it be Tuesday already? Yeah, I know...I'm supposed to have some great entertaining, interesting, or inspiring picture to post, but guess what? I don't. I have not seen anything this past week that's said, "Take my picture!" Don't get me wrong, lots has been happening around here. For example: it's been raining quite a bit, and remember the roof that our water tank sits on? Yep, it's flat and it has walls that surround it, which means water just hangs out up there until it finds a weak spot in the concrete... and now we have an upstairs hallway ceiling that constantly drips and leaks! If you're not paying attention, you'll be sitting down HARD in a hurry!
Let's see...and then yesterday, the lovely electric company came through our whole community turning people's electric off for supposed charges not paid! Our charges were the result of previous renters not paying (like over a year ago) and seeing as that total was never included in our amount due, we had no idea it needed paid! So, our electric got turned off for about six hours. There's a lot of interesting details to this story, but we don't really need to go into that here! Suffice it to say, we're all squared away and back to "normal!"
What else? Considering the above paragraphs and some other little cultural things that have happened, to be honest, we're feeling a little homesick and find ourselves sitting around dreaming about eating at certain restaurants, (the kids) going to Grandma's house, visiting with family and friends...
But it's okay. We're right where God wants us to be, and there can be no greater joy, then to be in the center of His will - and doing His work! So onward and forward we march (although Tom's Pizza, Middleswarth Barbeque Chips, and Amy's Frosty Freeze still sounds pretty good!!!).
I'll leave you with this picture of some cute, pajama-clad boys I know!