Thank the Lord for his traveling protection on us on our recent trip to Guatemala City for the annual pastor's retreat. We feel that the Lord really helped in the sessions and it was a good time for all of us to be together, to learn and grow, and be encouraged!
And besides the fact that we got a little lost in the city trying to find our way to the retreat center, and we got stopped by the police, it was a good trip (although the roads were VERY bumpy!)...and we got to eat at a McDonald's once we arrived in the city! Then after that, we were able to employ the help of a kind taxi driver to help us find our destination.
The retreat center had a little chapel - this is where we held the sessions each day. Bro. Steven Hight was the special speaker.

Michael was asked to speak in one of the sessions on, "Music in the Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul." It is a much needed topic for our churches, and he did a fabulous job presenting his material (complete with animated motions and singing excerpts!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The retreat center had a nice little dining room. The food was pretty good too! Especially the one night we had Little Ceaser's Pizza!!!! =)

Below is a picture of our Hispanic Pastors who were able to attend the retreat. We also took pics of the whole group of us, but I'll have to get a copy from someone else. My copy is obviously missing me, and only half the crowd was looking at me! Oh well!

Above (from left to right):
Pastor Abel from Salamanca, MX
Missionary/Pastor Eric Kuhns from Tegucigalpa, Hondurus
Pastor Javier from Motozintla, MX
Pastor Cruz from TacanĂ¡, Guatemala
Pastor René from Tajumulco, Guatemala
Missionary/Pastor Michael Mason from Tapachula, MX
And, it was a wonderful privilege to be able to spend time last week with Eric and Hannah Kuhns and family! We had some great conversations and great laughs! =) I'm also hoping they will post other pictures of the retreat on their blog, since for whatever reason, I really didn't take too many pics!

On Thursday afternoon, there were no sessions scheduled, so the whole crew of us loaded up into Eric's 4Runner and our Sequoia and we made our way to the zoo. I think we took a few wrong turns along the way, since we drove down a road or two the wrong way...but we made it! It was actually a very nice zoo - and they even had a dairy cow to remind us of home in PA! lol

These youngsters really enjoyed hanging out together last week! There was lots of running, hollering, playing games, and even begging the cooks for extra food... =)
And on our way home, we were able to stop at a Taco Bell! Not that it would be our favorite resteraunt or anything, but it's something we haven't had for a year, and so it was kind of something was good, too! (please excuse the blurry cell phone pic!)
All in all, a very good retreat, although we're glad to be back home! Why? Because it was COLD! Okay, so really, it was only upper 50's at night and low 70's during the day, but us "tapachultecans," we pretty much froze!!! We're not quite used to anything other than HOT - all the time! None of us had any jackets with us either, so we were very glad for the blankets that were provided! I think we're all thawed out now, so we're good to go!! =)
Thanks for your prayers for us and your interest in our trip!
nice overview of the retreat. We really enjoyed being with you guys! You lucky ducks got to eat at taco bell but we didn't get a chance. oh well next time.
Really glad that y'all got to have this special retreat and time of needed fellowship! Looks like y'all had a great time! =)
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